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What is a Juicer?

Views:124     Author:Site Editor     Publish Time: 2018-07-24      Origin:Site

A juicer is basically a kitchen appliance designed to extract juice from fruits and vegetables, a great way to get your 5 portions of fruits and vegetables a day. Pretty much all juicers have at least two basic jugs that come with it, one to collect the juice and one to collect the pulp. Be aware that a good juicer doesn’t come all that cheap, because juicing is very hard on the motor, and a high-quality juicer is built to last. There are in fact, 2 main types of juicers - masticating juicers and centrifugal juicers. This guide will tell you the difference between types of juicers, how much you need to spend to get a great model, and what other features to look out for.

Fluid, fruity and refreshing - juices are the best way to get raw liquid nutrients into your body. Yes, nothing beats the taste of a chilled glass of juice but the main objective of drinking juice has always been to take advantage of all the vitamins and minerals in fruits to enhance your health. "A juice cleanse can reset the system by clearing the body of toxins and acidity to reduce cravings and promote lasting weight loss and improve overall health", according to the authors of the book 'The Juice Cleanse Reset Diet'. Side note: Always drink freshly prepared juice because even when it’s stored in the fridge, it can turn brown - a mere indication that the nutrients are oxidising.

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